Wednesday, November 28, 2007

do i get cigarette breaks?

1. I can, without stopping, throw a ball against a wall for about 37 years straight and never get bored. This being said, i might be construed as a very simple person or entirely worthless.

2. I cannot bring myself to essentially turn my brain off during the day for 8 hours and basically throw a ball against a wall, but on my computer and with drawings and stuff.

3. Can you believe i am single at this point? neither can i.

4. i got a $175 ticket for playing around in my apartment, i was conducting myself in a disorderly fasion. Disorder?! YOUR OUT OF ORDER, THIS WHOLE COURTROOM IS OUT OF ORDER. seriously? well your face is disorderly.

5. dis hors d'oeuvre?

6. as smoking as that last play on words was, i barely even get it, so dont feel bad.

7. its come to the point that the most exciting part of my day is walking down the train tracks on the way to and from subway at lunch pretending i am a vagabond, double-0 agent, or a meaningful scene in a movie.... all with their similarities, all to music.

8. In forest gump just about the best line ever written is "sometimes, there just isnt enough rocks" and i feel i should point that out. that movie is my entire outlook on life... not the rocks part, but more of the 15 doctor peppers part.

9. shrimp fishing = alot harder than it looks.

10. Today i recieved an access card to all of bucyrus that will open doors after hours in case i didnt get enough boredom earlier in the day when i sat here trying to make a funny list that is essentially striking out right now. i mean common, like i have been shrimp fishing

11. GIVER!!

12. in 200 years do you think they will still be reffering to our generations victories over other countries as "sacking" them, or will our perverse culture not be able to handle that?

13. In 200 years do you think they will still give a rats ass about our generation? not if i have anything to do about it, thats for sure

14. In 200 years will we be able to answer these questions that i am asking because of mecidal advancements so great that you just get to decide how long you live? Is there a really bad speilburg film with robots and humans somewhere in this question?

15. do you think that my office knows about this blog and reads it every day? I will have you know, i wrote this on my lunch break.

16. GIVER AGAIN! pronounced 'give her' but really fast, in referance to giving everything you have at the end of a bike race

17. hot lap?

18. this is the worst blog i have ever written, if people are still reading it, i appologize, dont leave me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

blogging rules. i did it once, but jesus hates me now