Monday, August 11, 2008

Guess the CG Point!!! Michael Phelps for President!!!!

Today i got in on a game called "guess the CG point" with the engineers on the 5th floor. We looked at this drawing and all bid on a CG (center of gravity, common, get smarter) point. If the electrician that was just wondering around on the floor wins i am quitting and becoming a state fair traveling mac-n-cheese on a stick salesmen

ok, so its been a while, i am sorry. I appologize as if you were actually hurt from me not writing, which i must say, is alittle self centered. by the way i know the correct spelling of that word(s) is "a little" but i dont care. heres my latest update;

i was recently moved down the hall to the end office (office, closet, room to fire people in), i am now the only person who does not have a cubicle, and i can now officially say that they keep the co-op students in the closet at the end of the hall, because thats where i am, in the closet, at the end of the hall. i keep everything well organized next to me on the floor and my butt is numb because i went from a $600 ergonomic desk chair to a glorified stool with armrests. im not complaining tho, i do have a window with a beautiful view.... of the parking lot.

common jim, perk up, you have a great job. common, get your head off that tiny desk, stretch your legs out till they hit the computer, lean back until you hit the back wall, and take a big breath (not too big, theres not alot of air in this closet, you should probably start conserving it soon), cause everything is going to be a.o.k.

Enough of that, tar and feather to the next person to bring negativity in here.

Olympics are going on, i think michael phelps watched his celebrations from the 2004 games and really went to work on them in his mirror for this olympics, because yesterday when he flexed all 36 billion of his muscles at once when they won the 4X100 relay he was actually elected president of the united states, just because who wouldnt feel comfortable with that guy as commander in cheif? that is a kind of forign policy everyone can understand.

OH OH, THE RESULTS ARE IN FOR THE CG CONTEST!!!! I came in second to the person who actually is running the contest, which i called shinanigans to (another jim seconded the call for shinanigans, a third jim was silent as to not fall in line with his namesake, he is being demoted to christa effective immediatly). Second isnt too bad. Right french swim team? Ohhhhh no amount of water will save you from a burn like that..... ZING! MICHAEL PHELPS RULES! FRANCE DRULES! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

....ahem... carry on..

so after my near victory, only to be thwarted by events likening themselves to some russian judge a few years ago (cough boooooo cough), i feel good. Its not every day you get to drop some knowledge on your peers like that, and boy did i ever drop the k-bomb today

this is jibberish. i am going to post it and get back to work, some day someone will accidentally read this and think to themselves "how did he know i voted for michael phelps for president?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.