Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ill give you a thermodynamics problem.

Given: Marvin Gaye Exists and Wrote Music

Assumptions: People can hear

Find: Percentage of living people on the earth right now that would never have even been close to being concieved without Marvin Gaye existing.

Thermal System Schematic:

(Change in Sexual Healing post Marvin Gaye+1(*Accounting for the birth of marvin gaye himself))*(likelyhood your dad could have impressed your mom without marvin gaye) /(Pre-existing Rate of baby-making)

=12% of worlds population that can hear, 4% of people cannot hear, caused by marvin gaye directly.

Marvin gaye is solely responsible for about 1/6 of the earth. Thankyou marvin gaye, we now have to live in places like milwaukee where its cold 8 months out of the year because theres no more room anywhere else.

Secondary Conclusion:
Without marvin gaye, you probably would have a less fulfilling sexual experiance, if one at all. Not listening to Marvin Gaye is a recognized and effective form of birth control.

I mean, its that simple. Marvin Gaye. Singer, Song Writer, Relationship/Fertility Specialist.

Have a nice day. Please consider the consequences of making a marvin gaye pandora station.

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